Welcome to Family of Faith Christian Center
Building by Faith
Thank you for visiting the Family of Faith Christian Center’s Website. We hope that after visiting our website you will be encouraged to join our LIVE Broadcast "Building by Faith" Sunday morning worship experience at 9:00 a.m. every Sunday. Here at Family of Faith Christian Center (F.O.F.C.C.) we are a body of worshipers who believe in kinship over membership. We are one big family and we welcome you to join us soon. Bishop Sherman A. Gordon, DMin., is the founding Senior Pastor at Family of Faith Christian Center (F.O.F.C.C.) located at 5601 Orange Ave, Long Beach CA. 90805. On November 7, 2010, Pastor Gordon stepped out on Faith and organized the F.O.F.C.C. family which since its inception has experienced phenomenal growth in a myriad of ways. We invite you to witness and join us in our continual growth.
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The information on this site is the property of Family of Faith Christian Center.
No broadcasting or duplication of any sermons allowed without permission from Family of Faith Christian Center.